Questions about your loans?
Tel. 718.270.4873
The Libraries of the City University of New York participate in a universal CUNY Libraries access lending agreement. A currently validated I.D. card must be presented to enter or borrow library materials from any CUNY school.
Loan Periods
Loan periods and renewal policies listed below are based on regular loan, circulating books only:
Reserve loans: 2 hours of in-library usage
Items may be renewed one time if there are no hold requests on the item. Renewals must be done:
Special Book Loan Periods
Loan periods for The Civil Rights Book Collection and The Black Writers Conference Books have a 4-week loan period with no renewals.
CUNY Libraries Access patrons can place a hold through CUNY OneSearch when logged onto “My Account.”
Patrons can select the pick-up library for the book when placing the hold.
Fines: accrue for overdue items:
Regular fines: Overdue fines are twenty-five cents ($0.25) per day for each regular loan item.
Hold/Recall fines: Overdue fines are one dollar ($1.00) per day for recall and rush recall loans to a maximum of $50.
Reserve fines: Overdue fines are generally $5.00 – $15.00 per hour for reserve loans. Maximum fines for overdue reserve materials vary by campus.
Replacement fees for lost materials must be paid at the library owning the material. Fees may vary. Check with the lending college.
Overdue fines may be paid at any CUNY library.
Lost Items: Regularly circulating books not returned 20 days after they are due back at the library are considered lost. Check with the owning library about replacement fees.
We have a limited number of Laptop Computers and Calculators that are available for checkout.